Hey there and welcome!

I truly appreciate you taking a moment to visit and get to know me!
I’m Margarita, the artist behind MoaRea Art.
Here I’ve listed all the ways to connect with me.
Take a look and stay connected!

Winsor & Newton watercolour tests on different papers
— free PDF

Winsor&Newton Professional Watercolour Dot Card — free PDF

About me

Hello again! My name is Margarita, and I’m an artist. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Yerevan, Armenia. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been drawing, and from a young age, I attended an art studio that I loved. I’m forever grateful to my first art teacher, who instilled in me a deep love for creativity from childhood.

My art studio was located near a theater where both my great-grandmother and grandmother worked for many years. The creative energy of that environment had a huge influence on my artistic development. I still vividly remember the theater's set designer and his workshop, always filled with the smell of varnish and paint. The detailed, carefully crafted stage models inspired me to create interiors for my dolls, and this early fascination with artistic spaces later grew into a desire to design real spaces. I was also influenced by watching my father, an architect, spend hours drawing plans and preparing sketches for his clients.

These experiences inspired me to pursue a degree in architecture and design, which I completed at the Architectural University. After graduation, I worked in the field for a couple of years and even had the satisfaction of seeing residential spaces built based on my designs. During my university years, I also had the opportunity to teach drawing and composition to both children and adults at the House of Architects. This was an unforgettable experience for me.

After getting married, I moved to Estonia, where I’ve been living for the past nine years with my wonderful husband. Following a creative break, I decided to return to my passion, and for the last few years, I’ve made it a goal to draw something every day and continue growing as an artist. While I’m not a full-time artist yet, I hope to eventually dedicate myself fully to my creative journey.

I created this space where you can follow my art, find inspiration, support me, and receive mutual support. You might even learn some drawing techniques or tips that I’m happy to share, and I’m always open to learning something new from you as well. Here, you’ll also have access to all the platforms where you can connect with me or even treat yourself or a loved one to my artwork.

Thank you for taking the time to read and get to know me better!

My works